Delta State Hospitals Management Board Shortlisted Candidates & Aptitude Test Date 2021 is Out


Delta State Hospitals Management Board Shortlisted Candidates for Aptitude Test 

The  Delta State Hospitals Management Board Shortlisted Candidates for  Aptitude Test Date is out. Get more information on how to access  the news of shortlisted candidates  list for free and check your name below.

Also Apply for :

  • Delta State Hospital Management Board Recruitment 2021 for Graduate Internship 

  • Delta State Ministry of Technical Education Massive Recruitment for Graduates


The full pdf list of successful candidates in the recently completed Delta State Hospitals Management Board Recruitment 2021 for the following positions is now available for download. In case you forgot about the registration click here

Delta State Hospitals Management Board Shortlisted Candidates Assessment Test 

  • Senior Medical Officer II
  • Nursing Officer II
  • Asst. Nursing Officer
  • Medical Records Officer
  • Radiographer
  • X-Ray Technician
  • Optometrist
  • Dental Technologist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Hospital Administrator
  • Accountant/Auditor
  • Higher Executive Officer
  • Higher Executive Officer Accounts/Audit
  • Assistant Executive Officer
  • Assistant Executive Officer Accounts/Audit
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Higher Technical Officer (Mech/Elect)
  • Higher Stores Officer
  • Assistant Stores Officer
  • Store Keeper
  • Programme Analysist II
  • Assistant Data Processing Officer
  • Confidential Secretary Grade III
  • Secretarial Assistant II
  • Clerical Officer II
  • Health Assistants

How to Download Delta State Hospitals Management Board List 2021

For all applicants to his or her name in the list, you need a PDF enabled  android  or iPhone. .

The list Delta State Hospitals Management Board Shortlisted Candidates for Aptitude Test was compiled in PDF, you will have to download it using phone or PC..

At the time of this report. Only 5 departments have been shortlisted…. This page will be uploaded as soon as they are available.  We therefore encourage you to bookmark or keep this page open and refresh daily to get the latest updates on the  Delta State Hospital Management Board Recruitment 2021 Shortlisted Candidates for Aptitude Test . 

Here are the list of Delta State Hospital Management Board Recruitment  Shortlisted Candidates for Aptitude Test

Click here to download for Health Assistant

Click here to download for Senior Medical Officer II

Aptitude Test Date for Senior Medical Officers and Health Assistant: SATURDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 2021.

Click here to download for NURSING OFFICER II

Click here to download for ASSISTANT NURSING OFFICERS

Click here to download for NURSING OFFICER II (RN/RM)

Aptitude Test Date for NURSING: Aptitude test of shortlisted nurses applicants has been slated to hold on WEDNESDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER 2021.

Venue: Asagba Model Secondary School, off Ezenei Avenue, Asaba, Delta State.


SHORTLISTED APPLICANTS are to come to the Venue with the ORIGINALS AND PHOTOCOPY of the following;

  • GOVE



Delta State Hospital Management Board Recruitment 2021 Shortlisted Candidates for Aptitude Test

  1. Onah EdithMary says

    Good evening,pls is it only the nursing categories that has been shortlisted? What about radiology??

    1. Don Majemite says

      Those shortlisted were not based on score… It was based on Qualification, slots given to politicians and field of study

  2. Mary Diana oko says

    Pls what of clerical officer 11 has it not been short listed too, where can I find d main names that has been short listed

    1. Don Majemite says

      Keep visiting for update. It will be uploaded

  3. Oritseweyinmi says

    Good Morning Sir, I did apply for the position of confidential secretary 11. When are we likely to be shortlisted?

    1. Don Majemite says

      Just be patient.The stage by stage shortlist is due to 5he Coronavirus.

      1. Nkechi says

        Please, when are they going to short list Medical Records officer

        1. Don Majemite says

          I Can’t tell for now…but soon

  4. Angela o says

    Please when will they upload store keeper

    1. Don Majemite says

      My dear, I can’t tell for now…but soon …and thus page will be updated when the shortlist is out

  5. Olore Ejiro Vanessa says

    Good evening sir, please sir when will dey upload Assistant Executive officer( Account)?

    1. Don Majemite says

      Is not out for now ..but very soon

  6. Solomon Iyke says

    Goodday Sir…. Please when are they shortlisting names for that of Optometry and what special additional qualification(s) is required apart from the scores Sir? Please reply, thank you Sir.

    1. Don Majemite says

      For now is not available…but soon ..delay is due to the increase in covid-19 .

      Just be patient

    2. Joy James says

      Pls what score have they written interview that am not aware of.

      1. Don Majemite says

        Madam be patient…

  7. Joy James says

    Why is it that the way things are done in Delta State is different from every other states? Why did u advertise other departments and call out for just three departments for interview, pls u guys should stop playing with people’s minds, do what is right

    1. Don Majemite says

      Please calm down… Is stage by stage

  8. Ewoma Gladys says

    Good pm sir, pls sir I don’t understand the score u people are talking about, Optometrist has not been shortlisted for interview then what score again

    1. Don Majemite says

      My dear. Only 4 departments Have been shortlisted

  9. Imene Marvis says

    When is the shortlisted list for higher Executive Officer will be out

    1. Don Majemite says

      I can’t tell. But soon

    2. Sargin joy says

      Pls when will higher store officers department be uploaded?

  10. Ochade Rita says

    Good evening sir.. please how about list for accountant..when will it be out sir.thanks

    1. Don Majemite says

      Very soon . It will be out

  11. Joy says

    Good afternoon sir, I applied for the position of confidential Secretary grade 3 please is there any update yet?

    1. Don Majemite says

      No update for now… Check back soon

      1. Omena Ijeoma Nancy says

        Good evening sir, pls when will Auditor list will be shortlisted for aptitude test?

        1. Don Majemite says

          My dear , I can’t tell for now…. But soon

      2. Sargin joy says

        When will higher store officers department be uploaded

    2. Cynthia says

      Pls the Don
      Make a publication to this effect
      That others Department should be release.
      Pls the government should be called out on this one

  12. Nwaka Hillary ogor says

    Good morning sir/ma please I want to know when exactly others are doing their interview

    1. Don Majemite says

      My dear, I can’t specifically tell you the exact date… But Soon

  13. Uchame says

    Good evening sir, is the shortlisted names for higher store officer out?

  14. Akegor Eloho merit says

    Good day sir I applied for the post of clerical I l position is this position shortlisted?

    1. Don Majemite says

      Not yet madam

  15. Amaduobogha Tamaraudoubra says

    Good morning sir. Please when are they going to shortlist for Higher Executive Officers.

    1. Don Majemite says

      I can’t tell …but very soon

  16. Oloku Obukowho Emmanuel says

    What type of shortlisting is this?

    Why not shortlists all once?

  17. Uchame Endurance says

    Good day sir, please have the shortlisted names for higher store officers out?

    1. Don Majemite says

      No….For now but soon

      1. Uchame Endurance says

        Thank u sir

        1. Don Majemite says

          You are welcome

  18. Uchame says

    Those that are successful shortlisted, will dey be notified either though mail or text messages?

    1. Don Majemite says

      Email or you will check the website.

  19. Idogho Elizabeth says

    Good morning sir. Please, when’s health assistants shortlisted candidates interview??.

    1. Don Majemite says

      No date for now

  20. Ugbom Uchechi Esther says

    Good morning all..pls is the list for Account/Audit shortlisted out yet..haven’t gotten any notification and I’m kind of worried that I may have missed something.

    1. Don Majemite says

      At the time of this your comments… The shortlisted for those areas are not out yet

  21. Uchame says

    Good day sir, please have the shortlisted names for higher store officers out?
    And I login to the registration portal and notice that my passport and my details are not showing, please sir should I be worried about this or all is well?

    1. Don Majemite says

      The list will be out soon

  22. Uchame says

    Good day sir, I login to the registration portal and notice that my passport and details are not showing, should I be worried or all is well?

    1. Uchame says

      And is shortlisted names for higher store officers out? Thanks

  23. Uchame Endurance says

    Good day sir, I login to the registration portal and notice that my passport and details are not showing, please should I be worried or all is well?

  24. Ike onome pricillia says

    Good day sir. Have they done interviews for medical record officer?

    1. Don Majemite says

      Not out yet….

  25. Priscillia onosakponome says

    Good day sir, please is the list for secretarial assistant out?

    1. Naija News Desk says

      Is like they have suspended the list

  26. Nwanochie Favour says

    Good day sir,please I applied for the post of a health attendant,when will the list be uploaded?

    1. Naija News Desk says

      My dear , we can’t tell

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