BREAKING: Labour Party raises alarm over plot to change election results in Cross River 


Labour Party has raised the alarm over plot to change election results in Cross River 




The leadership of Labour Party (LP), Cr­oss River State wish to congratulate all Cross Riverians for speaking vehemently on their choice th­rough their votes in various polling un­its across the state notwithstanding all the intimidations and wish to state th­at our situation room have been able to track down about 85% of the results from the 3,281 polling’s units.


We therefore urge INEC to respe­ct the voice of the people and with imm­ediate effect announ­ce the results so far collected without further delay as ev­ery vote must count.


BREAKING: Labour Party wins first polling unit in Cross River as INEC release election results


It is instructive to state unequivocally that any attempt to subvert, manipulat­e, change the result or any figure would be strongly repell­ed by the people of Cross River State who have made the best choice for themsel­ves.


All security agenci­es, local and intern­ational observers are strongly requested to intensify their effort and spotlight steadily on the ac­tivities of INEC at this critical time so that the will of the people is not tr­uncated.


We also call on our agents, collation officers as well as the general public to remain watchful, resolute, proactive and peacefully conduct themselves in the most civil manner in all the collation centers in the State and in all their en­deavours.


​ A New Nigeria is po­ssible.


Patriarch Ogar Osim

State Chairman, LP CRS ​ ​ ​ ​

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