Naira to Dollar, Pounds to Naira, Euro to Naira Black Market Exchange Rates Today 21 February 2024


What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate at the Black Market, the Pounds to naira black market Today and the Euro To Naira today black market also known as the Parallel Market (Aboki FX)? 

Please find below the black market exchange rate for the dollar to Naira on February 21. These are the rates at which you can exchange your dollar for Naira.

How much is a Naira to dollar today in the black market? Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today in the Black Market (Aboki Dollar Rate):

Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today, February 21, 2024:

Dollars to Nairas (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today

  • Buying Rate: N1810
  • Selling Rate: N1825

Pounds to Naira black market Today.

The British Pounds to Naira exchange rate is as follows.

  • Buying Rate: N2100
  • Selling Rate: N2121

Euro To Naira today black market

The Euro To Naira black market exchange rate today is :

  • Buying Rate: N1790
  • Selling Rate: N1815

While the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) sets the official foreign exchange rate, transactions happening outside authorized channels, like the parallel market, operate independently. It is recommended to use authorized channels like banks for foreign exchange transactions.

Black Market Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 14 February 2024 | Abokifx Today

Dollar to Naira CBN Rate Today:

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) CBN Rate Today

  • Buying Rate: N1,500
  • Selling Rate: N1,504

Euro to Naira CBN Rate Today:

Dollar to Naira Exchange rate Today (CBN rates)

  • Buying Rate: N1,494
  • Selling Rate: N1,493

Pounds to Naira Today

Pounds to NGN CBN Rate Today

  • Buying Rate: N1,886
  • Selling Rate: N1,887

Euro to Naira Today

Euro to Naira exchange rate Today

  • Buying Rate: N1,612
  • Selling Rate: N1,613

Please be advised that the rates at which you buy or sell forex may differ from those displayed in this article due to price fluctuations.

Meanwhile, at the Lagos Parallel Market, popularly referred to as the Black Market, the exchange rate between the US dollars and the Naira concluded at 1650 per dollar yesterday, as reported by sources in the Bureau De Change (BDC).

FX Crisis: Office of NSA, CBN, EFCC, Others to Go After Speculators.


Meanwhile, the National Security Adviser’s Office, under the leadership of Nuhu Ribadu, has joined forces with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to launch a collaborative effort aimed at combating forex speculation and addressing issues impacting the country’s economic stability.


In a statement released on Tuesday, Zakari Mijinyawa, a spokesperson for Ribadu’s office, revealed that the partnership would involve coordinated actions with key law enforcement agencies, including the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), and the Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU).


Mijinyawa highlighted that the activities of speculators, operating both domestically and internationally through various mechanisms, have played a significant role in the depreciation of the naira, exacerbating inflation and contributing to economic instability in Nigeria.


What NSAO is Saying:

Mijinyawa emphasized that this cooperative endeavor signifies the Federal Government’s strong commitment to enhancing its Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policies, with the goal of clearing its name from the grey list of the Financial Action Task Force.

Keep up with the latest news and updates with Ejes Gist News, your reliable source for news in Nigeria right now on the Dollar to Naira Black Market.

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